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Find, connect with, and hire the right M&A advisor that will help you achieve your company’s goals.

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How getana works?

Screenshot of Company Profile Form for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Company Profile Form for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Company Profile Form for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Inquiry Form for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Inquiry Form for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Inquiry Form for Businesses | getana.io

Briefly tell us about your business and your needs

Under 5 minutes, share insights about your enterprise and objectives securely and confidentially on our platform.

Discover your hand-picked advisors

Leverage our platform that matchs your needs to leading and relevant advisors in your industry. Make smarter and unbiased decisions for your business.

Screenshot of Introduced message | getana.io
Screenshot of Introduced message | getana.io
Screenshot of Potential Matches for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Potential Matches for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Potential Matches for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Match Status View | getana.io
Deal Completed Messag for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Match Status View | getana.io
Deal Completed Messag for Businesses | getana.io
Screenshot of Match Status View | getana.io
Deal Completed Messag for Businesses | getana.io

Unlock options and achieve success with the right partners

Connect with and hire advisors who will broaden your network, unlock access to key relationships, and your venture to unprecedented success.

Why use getana?

Save Money

Directly connect with the right advisors to avoid unnecessary costs and fees.

Save Money

Directly connect with the right advisors to avoid unnecessary costs and fees.

Save Money

Directly connect with the right advisors to avoid unnecessary costs and fees.

Time Efficient

Quickly find pre-vetted advisors to accelerate your fundraising, acquisition, or sale.

Time Efficient

Quickly find pre-vetted advisors to accelerate your fundraising, acquisition, or sale.

Time Efficient

Quickly find pre-vetted advisors to accelerate your fundraising, acquisition, or sale.


Choose from unbiased, peer-verified advisors without relying on motivated referrals.


Choose from unbiased, peer-verified advisors without relying on motivated referrals.


Choose from unbiased, peer-verified advisors without relying on motivated referrals.

Are you an advisor?

Join our community as a member to save time and effort in finding successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in need of professional and quality advisory services.

Frequently asked questions

What is getana.io?

getana, alias for “get an advisor”, is an independent fintech match-making platform where business owners and leaders in need of advisory services can submit a project and get matched with quality and vetted advisors that will help them achieve their company’s goals.

What is getana.io?

getana, alias for “get an advisor”, is an independent fintech match-making platform where business owners and leaders in need of advisory services can submit a project and get matched with quality and vetted advisors that will help them achieve their company’s goals.

What is getana.io?

getana, alias for “get an advisor”, is an independent fintech match-making platform where business owners and leaders in need of advisory services can submit a project and get matched with quality and vetted advisors that will help them achieve their company’s goals.

How are advisors matched with businesses?

We match users by using data they have provided us as well as several external sources of information to find the ideal matches.

There is no magic, the more data we have about you and your business, the easiest it becomes for us to connect you with the relevant and quality advisors for the optimal outcome in the shortest timeframe.

Rest assured, all the data you provide are treated with the utmost care and we make sure that only the relevant information is shared with the matched counterparts. We solely use data for matching purpose in the background to avoid parties wasting time.

How are advisors matched with businesses?

We match users by using data they have provided us as well as several external sources of information to find the ideal matches.

There is no magic, the more data we have about you and your business, the easiest it becomes for us to connect you with the relevant and quality advisors for the optimal outcome in the shortest timeframe.

Rest assured, all the data you provide are treated with the utmost care and we make sure that only the relevant information is shared with the matched counterparts. We solely use data for matching purpose in the background to avoid parties wasting time.

How are advisors matched with businesses?

We match users by using data they have provided us as well as several external sources of information to find the ideal matches.

There is no magic, the more data we have about you and your business, the easiest it becomes for us to connect you with the relevant and quality advisors for the optimal outcome in the shortest timeframe.

Rest assured, all the data you provide are treated with the utmost care and we make sure that only the relevant information is shared with the matched counterparts. We solely use data for matching purpose in the background to avoid parties wasting time.

Who are typically the advisors registered?

The advisors who have decided to become members of getana.io range from independent corporate finance professionals to M&A boutiques and international investment banks.

Depending on their jurisdiction, they are licensed and qualified professionals who advise a range of organizations, from large corporations to start-ups, depending on their mandate requirements.

Who are typically the advisors registered?

The advisors who have decided to become members of getana.io range from independent corporate finance professionals to M&A boutiques and international investment banks.

Depending on their jurisdiction, they are licensed and qualified professionals who advise a range of organizations, from large corporations to start-ups, depending on their mandate requirements.

Who are typically the advisors registered?

The advisors who have decided to become members of getana.io range from independent corporate finance professionals to M&A boutiques and international investment banks.

Depending on their jurisdiction, they are licensed and qualified professionals who advise a range of organizations, from large corporations to start-ups, depending on their mandate requirements.

How much does it cost to use getana?

For entrepreneurs, business leaders and stakeholders, getana is free to use.

For advisors, they can register for free and upon review, they become members able to receive project inquiries from businesses. To reveal the identity of a potential match, advisors will need to pay an introduction fee for getting introduced to the potential client lead, and a monthly subscription fee to benefit from additional features and packages.

How much does it cost to use getana?

For entrepreneurs, business leaders and stakeholders, getana is free to use.

For advisors, they can register for free and upon review, they become members able to receive project inquiries from businesses. To reveal the identity of a potential match, advisors will need to pay an introduction fee for getting introduced to the potential client lead, and a monthly subscription fee to benefit from additional features and packages.

How much does it cost to use getana?

For entrepreneurs, business leaders and stakeholders, getana is free to use.

For advisors, they can register for free and upon review, they become members able to receive project inquiries from businesses. To reveal the identity of a potential match, advisors will need to pay an introduction fee for getting introduced to the potential client lead, and a monthly subscription fee to benefit from additional features and packages.

How getana handles data and confidentiality?

getana takes confidentiality very seriously. First, we comply with GDPR and makes sure all information gathered from business owners as well as advisors respect all applicable laws around privacy and confidentiality.

By signing up into the platform, all users (business leaders and advisors) accept the terms of use of getana.io.

When a user ("the disclosing party") provides confidential information about their business to getana.io, the confidential information is strictly kept between us and the disclosing party. It is only when a user submits a project or inputs mandate terms to the platform, they agree to share some of the information to a matched counterpart. However, information such as the maximum or range of compensation fees to be charged or paid remain undisclosed and are used solely to make the match more meaningful.

Only when both parties accept to get in touch that their identity and contact information would be exchanged through the platform so that they can take it offline.

How getana handles data and confidentiality?

getana takes confidentiality very seriously. First, we comply with GDPR and makes sure all information gathered from business owners as well as advisors respect all applicable laws around privacy and confidentiality.

By signing up into the platform, all users (business leaders and advisors) accept the terms of use of getana.io.

When a user ("the disclosing party") provides confidential information about their business to getana.io, the confidential information is strictly kept between us and the disclosing party. It is only when a user submits a project or inputs mandate terms to the platform, they agree to share some of the information to a matched counterpart. However, information such as the maximum or range of compensation fees to be charged or paid remain undisclosed and are used solely to make the match more meaningful.

Only when both parties accept to get in touch that their identity and contact information would be exchanged through the platform so that they can take it offline.

How getana handles data and confidentiality?

getana takes confidentiality very seriously. First, we comply with GDPR and makes sure all information gathered from business owners as well as advisors respect all applicable laws around privacy and confidentiality.

By signing up into the platform, all users (business leaders and advisors) accept the terms of use of getana.io.

When a user ("the disclosing party") provides confidential information about their business to getana.io, the confidential information is strictly kept between us and the disclosing party. It is only when a user submits a project or inputs mandate terms to the platform, they agree to share some of the information to a matched counterpart. However, information such as the maximum or range of compensation fees to be charged or paid remain undisclosed and are used solely to make the match more meaningful.

Only when both parties accept to get in touch that their identity and contact information would be exchanged through the platform so that they can take it offline.

What prevents businesses to connect with advisors offline?

Nothing. In fact, the entire purpose of our platform is to help users get in touch with the appropriate counterparts the fastest and most relevant way possible so that they can get their business move forward and reach the best outcomes.

What prevents businesses to connect with advisors offline?

Nothing. In fact, the entire purpose of our platform is to help users get in touch with the appropriate counterparts the fastest and most relevant way possible so that they can get their business move forward and reach the best outcomes.

What prevents businesses to connect with advisors offline?

Nothing. In fact, the entire purpose of our platform is to help users get in touch with the appropriate counterparts the fastest and most relevant way possible so that they can get their business move forward and reach the best outcomes.

© getana 2024. All rights reserved.

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© getana 2024. All rights reserved.

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© getana 2024. All rights reserved.

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